It's a significant amount of work for not very much reward. 这是一种工作量巨大而回报很少的工作。
Requirements management is a precursor to the bulk of the testing effort, providing a significant amount of test motivation and validation needs. 需求管理是大多数测试工作的先驱,提供了大量的测试动机和确认需求。
So, if hit ratios are low, a significant amount of disk I/ O is taking place. 所以,如果击中率较低,表明正在发生大量的磁盘I/O。
The revenue from the "black market" economy of EverQuest makes auction sites and others a significant amount of money that EverQuest sees none of. 从EverQuest的黑市经济中得到的收入使拍卖站点和其他人获取了相当多的钱,这是EverQuest本身没有看到的。
Once data has been compressed, a significant amount of unused space or holes may exist between the rows. 完成数据压缩之后,在行之间可能存在大量未使用的空间或空洞。
Establishing relatively simple service interactions required a significant amount of development. 如果要建立相对简单的服务交互,则需要大量的开发工作。
I have spent a significant amount of my time over the last several years on a series of projects across multiple industries in locations all over the world. 在过去几年中,我在世界各地的多个行业中的一系列项目上花费了很多时间。
A significant amount of effort and expertise goes into developing a software architecture. 在软件架构的开发方面,我们投入了大量的工作和专家经验。
The enterprise-wide nature of SOA [ Lublinsky] requires a significant amount of collaboration between design and implementation teams. SOA具有企业级的本质(Lublinsky),需要设计和实现团队进行大量的协作。
For large cubes, this requires a significant amount of time. 对于大型的数据集,这需要大量时间。
First, the use of agile practices will grow by a significant amount. 首先,敏捷实践的使用将会有一个非常显著的增长。
When the current picture and its related requirements change, we have to scrap a significant amount of work, thus increasing the cost of development and lowering morale. 当当前的景象和与其相关的需求改变时,我们不得不废掉相当大量的工作,因此增加了开发成本并降低了士气。
We either cut the population by a significant amount, or we find some secret habitable planet with resources. 我们或许大规模的削减人口,或者我们发现一些秘密的有资源的适宜居住的行星。
Vegetables cooked in too much water can lose a significant amount of vitamins. 烹饪蔬菜时放太多的水,会损失很大一部分维生素。
There is a significant amount of material in the movie which is culturally relevant to Hong Kong. 电影中最重要的一点就是它所体现的大量香港文化特性。
There is a significant amount of complexity inside of those components and some aspects are inherently asynchronous. 组件内部非常复杂,而且有些方面天生就是异步的。
Employees often receive a significant amount of compensation in that most Western of forms: shares or share options. 雇员们常常能获得以大多数西方的形式表现出来的大量的嘉奖:股份或者股份认购权。
Clearly, we will have a significant amount of spending reductions in this proposal. 很明显,现在我们的这个协议将使政府进行大量的开支削减。
I committed a significant amount of wealth I had created from other businesses. 我投入了从其它公司那里赚取的巨额财富。
A great basketball player, but his baggage has lost him a significant amount of money and success. 一个极好的篮球运动员,但是场外问题使他损失了大量金钱和成功的机会。
Column statistics are updated if a significant amount of data is loaded. 如果装载了大量数据,则更新列统计信息。
Dr Etienne has also conducted a significant amount of research on health services in Dominica. Etienne博士还对多米尼加卫生服务进行了大量研究。
The semi-products of synthetic diamond always contain a significant amount of non-diamond carbons. 在人工合成金刚石的半成品中,都含有相当数量的非金刚石碳。
As these articles show, a significant amount is already taking place. 正如这些文章所证明的,已经采取了大量的举措。
This is a significant amount when compared to total memory. 与内存总量相比,这是一个很大的量。
Only one European bank, UniCredit, has raised a significant amount of fresh equity this year. 今年只有一家欧洲银行意大利联合信贷银行(unicredit)筹集了可观的新股本。
You can potentially save a significant amount of memory by enabling this property. 通过启用此属性,您可能会节省大量内存。
We had raised a significant amount of new money. 我们已经筹措了数量可观的新的款项。
The problem is that it takes a relatively significant amount of time to actually do the AlphaBlend. 但问题是AlphaBlend实际上花了大量的时间来处理渐变。
The magnesium die casting and application of magnesium alloy products lead to significant amount of magnesium scrap. 镁合金铸造及镁合金产品的广泛应用造成了大量的镁合金废料。